英国签证 加急 自取(英国签证加急取件服务)



UK Immigration laws have strict policies and procedures to follow. Hence, acquiring a UK visa can be exhausting and time-consuming. However, if you need your visa granted as soon as possible, you can utilize the UK visa expedited service and collect it in person, instead of waiting for it to be delivered to your address.

What is the UK visa expedited service?

The UK visa expedited service permits you to get your UK visa application processed at a faster rate than the normal process, and you can receive it within a shorter time frame. You can opt for this service when submitting your visa application and have the option of either collecting the visa yourself or having someone collect it on your behalf. This service is accessible to those visiting the UK for various reasons including tourism, study, and business purposes.

The benefits of the UK visa expedited service

The UK visa expedited service eliminates the lengthy waiting time that comes with the normal visa application process. When you utilize this service, your visa application will be processed faster than usual, and you can have it in your hands sooner than expected. This will give you peace of mind, knowing that your UK visit is on track and won’t be delayed due to a pending visa application. Additionally, it can also save you the additional costs and hassle of traveling long distances, paying for accommodations, and waiting in queues for extended periods.

The process for UK visa expedited service

If you want to use the UK visa expedited service, you will have to submit your application in person at the designated visa application center. When attending the visa application center, you will have to submit the documents required in the standard visa application process, but in addition, you must make an appointment specifying that you plan to collect your visa in person. Before you leave the center, make sure that you know where, when, and how to collect your visa and the additional fees that apply to this service.

Things to consider when applying for UK visa expedited service

Before you opt for the UK visa expedited service, you should take note of the following:

Cost: the expedited service has an additional cost on top of the standard visa application fee.

Eligibility: Not all visa categories are eligible for the expedited service.

Appointment: You must make an appointment and plan to collect your visa in person.

Cancellation: The appointment cannot be canceled once you have requested for the expedited service.


Acquiring a UK visa with the standard visa application process could take weeks, sometimes months, but the UK visa expedited service offers a quicker and more efficient option. Remember to consider the additional cost, eligibility criteria, and appointment requirements when requesting for this service. However, if you need your visa fast, utilizing the UK visa expedited service is an ideal solution.